Cowboy Capital Gazette

The Dime Novel
News from Equally Delinquent
Published by Dan Kafka in Quartet • 8/31/2009 5:42:21 PM
It has been a busy summer as well for Equally Delinquent. As you all know Chris got married in June (Welcome Becka) and as you can imagine our time (the quartet) has some how been a little limited. We have however managed to work on some new material.

We are working on the same material that the chorus is working on and we have added to our repertoire That's the Truth About Men and Lay Up Your Treasures in Heaven. We are also working on Surfer Girl. That's the 60s for Toby. We also purchased some Tom Gentry tunes that we will be working on for the upcoming winter.

As you can imagine, with four guys with seperate lives and families, it can be difficult to get together on a regular basis. The good news is that with fall and winter coming on, the schedules become more stable and consistent. We lack a little of that consistency right now. We have performed at a couple different functions and we had the priveledge of singing the National Anthem at the Relay for Life in Holyoke.

The quartet went through a rather difficult decision this past summer. We have been for some time considering competing in the Rocky Mountain District. We have felt that if we could at least make the "Friday Night Cut" it would be worth it to complete. We were encouraged as well at by Dan Clark at Harmony College and by "The Twins" at the show this past April. We started the process of looking at our music and to our disappointment, virtually nothing we sing is acceptable for competition. Equally Delinquent has worked on a show based on Doo Wop and religious songs. Both are not acceptable for contest. In order to compete, we would need to drop what we were doing and learn at least four songs that were contestable. Well that just wasn't going to happen this year. Our schedule was full and frankly, we didn't think that the contestable songs would fit well into our current list. So for now the quartet will work on what we have and maybe next year look at contest.

As a final note, it is a sincere pleasure to be associatied with as fine a group of people as the Cowboy Capital Chorus. What a pleasure to rehearse and perform where the folks are not just interested in the music and sound but in the camaraderie and fun. Our hats are off to you!


News and Notes for the Chorus