Technology makes the job easierBy John Petterson, editorWhen I was growing up, air conditioning for business, homes and cars was in its infancy; automatic transmissions were a luxury. Today, I wouldn't be without air conditioning and I only own vehicles with automatic transmissions (plus all the other wonderful bells and whistles that have evolved over the years). Two years ago, at the urging of my kids to join the 1990s, I installed a modem in my computer and went online. Sure, it costs extra because I subscribed to a for-pay online service. To me, it's worth it because of the ease of use and the many features that I've come to enjoy. For others, there are non-pay online servers, but they pay by wading through a variety of commercials and they don't have all the features and frills of a for-pay server. Regardless of the online server, I now wouldn't be without e-mail. This feature alone has made it much easier for people to send articles. In addition to PROBEmoter, I also edit my district and chapter bulletins, so I need all the time savers I can get. Receiving articles is just one of the benefits of e-mail. I use it to send reminders of deadlines for articles; nudge those who haven't submitted an article for an issue or so; send information or requests to others; seek more information or clarification. The applications are endless. The great thing with the new online technology is that you can communicate quickly and easily. Also, you don't have to be nearby to answer your phone. Just sign on at your convenience and check your electronic mailbox. I put e-mail right up there with air conditioning and automatic transmissions.