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THE FIESTA BARBERSHOP CHORUS IS ABOUT SINGING, BUT A WHOLE LOT MORE Singing Valentines - This is typically the first event of our calendar year and our largest fund raiser. Singing Valentines along with a rose and a card will be delivered to more than 80 persons in Escambia, Santa Rosa and Baldwin Counties. Quartets made up of active, inactive and former Chorus members and members of the Mobile Chorus visit businesses, homes, restaurants or other venues requested and sing to someone's sweetheart, mostly female but also a few males as well. Singing For Life - This a Society-wide blood drive. The program came into being in 2008. Volunteers from the Fiesta Chorus serenade area persons while donating blood at the Northwest Florida Blood Center. Patriotic Parade - This is an annual and favorite activity of the Chorus. A day-long event, the Chorus and quartets entertain residents of 8 local nursing homes and senior centers, singing patriotic songs. Many of the residents to whom we sing are former members of the armed forces and are particularly moved by the presentations. Annual Show - In recent years the Chorus has changed the nature of our Annual Show from being one that is strictly barbershop in nature to that of a variety show and have found that the new format is more rewarding both financially but, more important, one that offers more audience appeal. Guest performers in recent years have included instrumental groups, dance troupes, the Gulf Coast Corale, quartets from the Pensacola and Mobile Sweet Adelines chorus, a men's chorus and concert choir from an area high school. The 2010 show will be performed at the Pensacola Little Theater and will have a Broadway theme. Guest artist will include Ginger Caro, Sheryl Vandenberg and Roy Bracken. Matinee and evening performances are being planned. The 2011 show will feature the reigning International Champion Quartet, STORM FRONT. Tannenbaum Express - This is another annual event and a favorite of the Chorus. The Chorus and quartets perform for residents of 8 local nursing homes and senior centers singing songs of the season to the elderly, handicapped and underserved citizens. The presentation of these songs of the season brings audience members that haven't spoken in weeks or months to sing with us and tears to the eyes of staff and chorus. It brings memories of past years that were full of joy and family to our audience during a time in their life that is lonely and often times forgotten. Christmas Show - Billed as "Our Gift to Pensacola", this event is another Chorus favorite. We are be joined by Pensacola Sound, the local Sweet Adeline chorus, and we hope to interest area high school vocal groups to participate with us in the future. The performance is geared to benefit two worthy local charities - The Association for Retarded Citizens and the Manna Food Bank. There is no admission charge, but cash and food donations are requested of the audience. Church Sings - Typically the Chorus receives 3 or 4 requests from churches to perform during one of their services, and are happy to comply with the requests if enough chorus members are available. We have a repertoire of 10 religious songs arranged in the barbershop style, and give the Music Ministers at the churches the opportunity to pick and choose which songs they want to hear. Harmony Explosion - Youth Outreach is one of our primary missions. Harmony Explosion camps provide a great opportunity for the high-school singer to meet other students who share similar interests, learn more about singing and vocal technique, experiencing the thrill of barbershop harmony, ringing 4-part chords till the wee hours of the morning. The camp is held at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. In 2009 the Chorus sponsored 12 area youth and their Music Educator, giving them the opportunity to attend the camp. Youth in Harmony - This is another Youth Outreach program of the Chorus. Each year Youth in Harmony workshops are hosted by Chorus members in conjunction with Pensacola Sound, the local Sweet Adeline chorus. The program is available to both male and female middle and high school students. Typically 200 area youths and their Music Educators attend. Chorus members and award winning quartets and clinicians from the Barbershop Harmony Society and Sweet Adeline's volunteer their time. The students learn and perform two songs during the daylong activity. Other Activities - During the proposed year quartets and ensembles from the Fiesta Chorus will perform at the request of a variety of individuals or groups and at a variety of venues. Typically these groups will perform at schools, churches, retirement centers, nursing homes, private homes and businesses..
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