Oct '83
April '84
First Nerds
April '85
Super Heros
Oct '85
Fancy Nerds
April '86
July '86.
The Superhero package
Fall 1985,
Fall 1986 Mic Tester (with Jim)
by Dave Drouillard & Brian Philbin
After our success with the Nerds
package & being inspired by The New Tradition winning the International
Quartet contest with great singing & wonderful comedy that July, we
decided we needed another package that would entertain and allow us to
win the District contest that following October. As it turned out, Scott
had run into Steve Armstrong from Ontario, Canada, had put together a couple
of tunes that had Super-Hero Parody lyrics. Scott, realizing that
this would definitely be home territory for Brian, talked to him about
it shortly after our return from Minneapolis. Brian wanted a look
at the "Medley", to see how well the lyrics were constructed, but thought
that there could be a lot of business to include and that there was plenty
of choreography options.
Upon receipt of the first song,
we started to work. The lyrics were hysterical and the medley worked
just perfectly. As a few weeks went by, though, there was no second
song - Dave had the idea of using Mr. Touchdown, USA & renaming it
Super-Hero, USA (entirely appropriate, considering the content & origins
of the material). Dave and Brian set to work on "revamping" the lyrics
and brainstormed a version in Scott's chorus room at his school, while
Scott worked out the arrangement in his office, basing it on the Ed Waesche
arrangement sung by the Rapscallions. Within an hour or so, Dave
& Brian had worked out quite an appropriate parody (considering the
source material and the subject) - although, not the funniest in the world
- but certainly utilitarian for our purposes. Scott married the lyrics
with the arrangement and we were on our way.
Next, came working the singing
with the choreography. Brian developed the basic plan and, as usual, the
group created embellishments and personal takes on the plan. The
Medley was quite funny and "USA" was very "heroic" looking and sounding.
The idea was to develop a visual plan to present the two routines into
a cohesive whole - an entrance was developed, with Superman (Brian) entering
stage left as the last of the heroes and then greeting them all with a
"super" handshake and not being aware of it - the result was quite funny.
After the first song, the heroes - in super-heroic fashion - leapt to each
side of the microphone to take their bows... then, leapt back to quartet
position. The action, while funny, put forth the idea of how seriously
the heroes took themselves - even though they looked a bit silly doing
The last few weeks of preparation
were at hand and Denny Gore came in to coach us (again, at Scott's school).
He laughed through parts of the session and set forth to help us improve
our singing while keeping the antics intact.
We then realized that we hadn't
done any work toward the costumes... Brian acquired the sweats &
spandex for the Superman, Batman and Spider-Man costumes
(Carol Hartley - Bob's Mom - got her own for Robin - we didn't see the finished product
we arrived in Kalamazoo - it bordered on the Burt Ward design from
60's television show - nice work!) & he, Carol & Tracey Drouillard set to
work. Brian drew out the design of how to
construct the red portions of the Spider-Man costume and provided visual
material for the Robin costume, as well. Tracey had to make a pattern in order
to make spandex gloves and a mask that were
connected by the red portions of the torso of Spider-Man's
- not an easy task, but the design Brian had made from his extensive familiarity
with the subject helped her figure out where to start.
Brian made his own Superman costume and also created the
spats that functioned as boots for the Superman, Batman and Spider-Man
The Batman mask was initially made from an old Bowler that Brian had worn a
Cedar Point Amusement Park (they only let you keep the hat from your
costume) and Bondo. He then sculpted with a Dremel tool.... unfortunately, Scott was unwilling
to come over for a sitting, so the first attempt was not so hot
had to be embellished with a pair of sunglasses, a tarp of black
on the back and a little make-up. For backup, Brian chose to take a simple dime store mask with the bottom portion of the face cut off
the top portion spray-painted black. W hen Scott opted for that mask at
following appearances, it worked like a charm.
Side note: All of the quartet
members spent extra time in the gym, exercising to be presentable in spandex
- "extra time", in the majority of instances in this group, meant actually
*going* to the gym... but it's the effort that counts!
When they arrived in Kalamazoo,
their focus was mainly the first evening of competition. That Saturday,
Brian put the finishing touches on Dave's Spider-Man costume - the "webbed"
look over the red portions of the costume. He took a black permanent
marker, had Dave don the costume, and drew the lines on the costume - Dave
says he had "webbing" on his skin for a week after that, as the pen bled
through the spandex regardless of a 3 shower-a-day regimen (try rubbing
alcohol next time, Dave...)
The package went over great
with the crowd, and as the quartet left the stage, Brian saw an opportunity
for embellishment and leapt off into the wings and created the illusion
that he'd flown offstage. It wasn't caught on tape, but the audience
reaction was such (and comments after confirmed) that it actually appeared
that he'd "flown". The judges had problems with the subject material,
being that they considered "Super-Hero" a modern term but, overall, the
package had been extremely well received and garnered the quartet the District
April '87
Cub Scouts
April '88
April 89'
July '89
July 90'