December 2, 2018 - Christmas Market & Concert
The Chordettes were pleased to host our annual Christmas Market and Concert. We
so enjoyed sharing the Christmas spirit with all our friends. It was lovely to
sing for our guests and to raise our voices together in a Christmas singalong.
December 18, 2018 - National Arts Centre
What fun it was to entertain theatre-goers at the NAC with songs for the
festive season on December 18, 2018!
December 8, 2018 - Kilborn's on the Rideau
Sweet A Cappella entertained customers with seasonal favourites at Kilborn’s on
the Rideau on December 8, 2018.
September 25, 2018 - National Arts Centre
The Capital Chordettes were pleased to entertain NAC patrons in the beautiful Atrium prior to the evening show and at intermission. Some also stayed to watch us rehearse for the rest of the evening.
June 12, 2018 - Sing with the Capital Chordettes
A great time was had by all when former members and other guests joined us in song.
A highlight of the evening was an inspiring rendition of Rise Again, led by our Assistant Director Kim Vronick.
April 6 and 7, 2018 - Witch Way to Murder
Our musical murder mystery, Witch Way to Murder, was a spooky and fun experience for all.
The Chordettes were thrilled to present two performances to enthusiastic audiences.