Personal PR - BBB(Be a Better Barbershopper)By John Sugg, VP public relations In the fast-moving communications of today we very often overlook some things of vital importance. F'rinstance, over the years that I have been a bulletin editor there have been repeated occasions where a member comes to me and asks a question that has not only been mentioned in the previous bulletin, but explained fully. When I ask if he did not receive his bulletin, the answer is always "Yeah, but...." The second PR-BBB we need to emphasize, and probably more important, is really common courtesy. Up front I would have to say that the active leadership of PROBE has been the best in this area that I have ever seen. The source of irritation is being ignored. We write to someone for information, maybe a request to do an article on something they have done, even to a district officer or president for information needed, and nothing happens. I can understand "yes" when it is said to me. I understand "no" when I hear it, but I simply don't understand not getting any answer at all. Please join me in my resolve to Be a Better Barbershopper. Somebody has spent hours preparing the printed material on barbershopping that you receive - read it! Answer correspondence, a 'no' (even a h--- no) is vastly better than no answer at all.