Guidelines for headline typeSubmitted by Grant CarsonPick the right headline style by basing your choices on these don'ts: Don't lessen the impact of a headline style by using an equally strong type for text. They'll just fight each other for reader's attention. It's better to set the mood you want with a robust headline type and use a less forceful text type. Don't create a dull sameness by using sans serif for both headlines and text. Most graphic experts recommend sans serif for heads and serif for text. Don't overdo the type effects you can get by creating headlines in a draw program and converting them to fit your layout. Reason: Drastic changes will degrade type quality. Don't use small type to apply a masking effect - composing a headline from a photograph or illustration. Reason: That technique works best with large, bold heads. Don't overlook the dramatic effect you can get by adding shadows to headlines so they seem to float above the page. (Source: Chuck Green, author, "Desktop Publisher's Idea Book," writing in "Dynamic Graphics.")