PROBE annual meeting minutesBy Bruce Anderson, secretary pro temThe meeting was called to order by President Waldo Redekop at 9:35 a.m. with 24 members in attendance. President Redekop appointed Bruce Anderson, CSD, as secretary pro tem for the meeting. President Redekop then introduced himself and asked that all in attendance introduce themselves and where they were from. The minutes of the July 2, 1998 meeting in Atlanta were distributed and discussed. Stan Wardwell, JAD, moved that the minutes be accepted. Second by Lloyd Davis, FWD. Motion passed. President Redekop then asked for officer reports. He then read the secretary-treasure report from Bryan Lynch, who was absent due to other convention duties. He reported that as of June 30, 1999, PROBE had 721 members and that there was $3,810.66 in assets. President Waldo Redekop then reported for Grant Carson, SWD, as to his activities during the past year as VP-bulletin editors and Bruce Anderson reported on the Bulletin Editors Forum held the previous hour. Bruce stated that they will have a resolution to bring forth under new business. Vice President John Sugg then reported on his activities for the past year and on the meeting of the public relations officers held the previous hour. President Redekop reported on his activities for the past year. He stressed that PROBE is alive and well. We have a new PROBEmoter editor, John Petterson, CSD, and a new Webmaster, Arnold Wade, DIX. President Redekop then thanked Grant Carson for his work in supplying articles to the PROBEmoter and the web page. President Redekop remarked that Grant had certified four new judges, and reworked the scoring sheets and rules for the BETY and IBC. He also took on the task of re-certifying all the judges in the three categories. President Redekop remarked that this should continue and perhaps on a three-year annual basis similar to the music judges of the Society. Waldo presented certificates to those judges serving for five, 10 and 15 years, that were created by Buddy Meyers. Certificates were also given to those participating in the IBC and this year a certificate of appreciation was given to the district contest coordinators, that was created by Bruce Anderson. President concluded his remarks for his year by stressing that we still do not have an historian for PROBE and asked for volunteers. Awards then were presented for various items. President awarded certificates to all district contest coordinators who were in attendance and stated that the others would be mailed to the coordinators. President also awarded certificates from PROBE for bulletin editors who entered the IBC.
Vice President for Public Relations John Sugg then presented the awards for Public Relations Officer of the Year to Art Lane, Holland, Mich., (promotion of a single event), and to Bob Fisher, MAD, Harrisburg, Pa. (public relations project for a year). President Redekop then turned the meeting over to Dick Girvin, FWD, IBC, for the presentation of the International Bulletin Editor of the Year awards. He announced that there were 29 bulletins entered in this year's contest. He then awarded the Dick Girvin Most Improved Bulletin to Allen Burt, EVG. Plaques were presented to Dick Cote, FWD, of Fullerton (first place), Tom Wheatley, of Dundalk (second place) and to Fred Hinesley, DIX, of Macon, Ga. (third place). Dick Cote was also presented with the large travelling trophy. President Redekop then thanked Dick Girvin for all his work on the IBC. Lowell Shank inducted three PROBE members into the PROBE Hall of Honor: Buddy Meyers, SWD, Craig Rigg, ILL and Dick Teeters, LOL. Under new business Bruce Anderson, CSD, presented a motion from the Bulletin Editors Forum to adopt the proposed changes in the BETY and the IBC. Seconded by Stan Wardell. There being no discussion the motion was voted on and passed. Election of officers was held at this time. After the slate of officers was read and nominations from the floor were solicited with none coming forward, Dee Paris, MAD, moved that the proposed slate of officers be adopted unanimously. Second, Lloyd Davis. Motion passed. Those elected were:
Grady Kerr, president Dee Paris then reported on the new video tape produced by PBS after the Atlanta convention that will be shown on PBS on August 11. It was shown to the presidents and will be shown again during the convention to the general membership. He urged that chapters volunteer to be present during the showing if there is a fundraiser involved. President Redekop then called attention to the new Harmonizers that were available for members present and that there was an article in the publication calling for proofreaders for the Society publications. The Society has requested that the members of PROBE would be good candidates for this service as we already proof our bulletins. Discussion was held about membership in PROBE and the PROBEmoter and its issues. Where to send money and dues are due on January 1 each year. Max Rose, the representative from Australia reported on activities in Australia. They have 21 chapters in Australia and they have come to the convention to learn more about the Society and get information. There being no further business, President Redekop adjourned the meeting at 10:35. :