PROBE Bulletin Editors ForumBy Bruce Anderson, secretary pro temThe Bulletin Editors Forum was called to order by President Waldo Redekop at 8:35 a.m. President Redekop was acting for VP-BE Grant Carson in his absence. President Redekop appointed Bruce Anderson as secretary pro tem for the meeting. President Redekop then asked those in attendance to introduce themselves and stated the purpose of the Bulletin Editors Forum. President Redekop then presented the proposed changes for contest guidelines and rules in both the Bulletin of the Year (BETY), district contest and the IBC changes. Several members in attendance made comments and remarks. Lowell Shank moved that the proposed changes to the BETY and the IBC be adopted and forwarded to the general PROBE meeting for approval. Seconded by Herb Bayles. Motion passed. President Redekop then lead a discussion dealing with the absence of bulletin editors, classes during the various COTS sessions. Some of the problems that were discussed were: cost of rooms, low attendance and that some of the bulletin editors were other officers and were attending other classes or the fact that the bulletin editors were not considered officers of the chapter and were not included in the chapter officers as needing training. Also it was expressed that many bulletin editors did not have a grasp of just what a bulletin's purpose was and that it should also be used as a chapter's history. It was felt that each district COTS should have a bulletin editors' class. There was discussion on the presentation of the district bulletin contest winners at district events and that this was given a low priority in many districts. Some discussion followed as to how to improve the importance of this presentation. President Redekop reflected on a packet of information that was to go to all bulletin editors as to how to produce a bulletin. During Lowell Shank's term of office it was discovered that the packet had been lost. President Redekop then introduced and discussed the new CD from the Society that has clip art on it for use by any chapter. The first 400 copies of these disks are available from the Society for no charge to bulletin editors. After the first 400 they are available for $15.00 plus $6.00 for shipping. Other sources of other clip art were discussed. The use of Internet and web access was discussed. There were several members present who had not accessed the PROBE Web page and it was explained what all was on the page and how to access the page. A discussion was held on how to get articles for bulletins. Give a new member an assignment of going to a board meeting or an event and then write an article about the event. Use a simple form for the individual to fill in. There being no further items for discussion and none from the floor, President Redekop declared the meeting adjourned and invited all to remain for the general meeting of PROBE.