From the editor's cauldronBy John Petterson
Hunters and gatherersOver the years, I have observed, both from reading a variety of bulletins and talking with the men who participated in my BE COTS classes, that most bulletin editors are a special breed of cats. Most men are editors because they chose to do the job. That's more than one may say for any other chapter office.Regardless of those editors' abilities in creating a bulletin, they share a number of qualities. They hunt and gather information from other sources, such as bulletin exchanging and attending COTS, to help improve their chapters' communications, musical craft and various ideas for public relations and fund raising. Frequently, those very hunters and gatherers are not appreciated as much for their efforts as they should be. Oh, sure, occasionally they'll get an "atta boy" for their efforts after they've complained about officers not turning in articles for the bulletin. Chapters that had an editor for quite a while are usually at a loss for information when the editor hangs up his quill and there is no one to take over the job. The chapter loses a lot without having a bulletin. The hunters and gatherers, a.k.a. bulletin editors, are essential to the chapters' operations. To you men, I tip my hat and ask that no matter how difficult your job seems at times, keep hunting and gathering. You know better than anyone else does about the importance of chapter communications and being the keeper of the keys to that knowledge is a big responsibility.
Clipart and cartoons in PROBEmoterAs space allows in each issue of PROBEmoter, I will include clipart and cartoons. Some of the clipart will contain text. Should you choose to copy or cut out the clipart, but don't like the text, simply make up your own message and tack it over the unwanted material. For some editors, the material will be old hat; for others, new editors, the clipart and cartoons will be avant-garde. The materials I have came from the Society, PROBEmoters and, for the most part, from other bulletins (it pays to be on the exchange list). To keep clipart and materials in one place, I bought a "magnetic page" photo album. The price was right and I don't have to spend much time seeking the materials.Several editors who responded to the "Bulletin Editors Survey" expressed a need for clipart and cartoons, so I hope what I'm supplying so far is helpful. Other clipart fillers that will be included are box messages I use as reminders. Bulletins and their messages, text or reminders, are just like advertising: You cannot let up.