PRO-TIPS(Public Relations Officers-This Is Positive Stuff)By John Sugg, VP PR
PR PrimerThere are two basic premises in local chapter PR that have proven true to my satisfaction. I dare you to try these if you haven't and validate or refute my conclusion. First, no matter how adept or innovative your press release or other printed publicity may be, there is absolutely no presentation as convincing as up-close, in-person barbershop harmony. Ask any Singing Valentine deliveryman. Even people who are familiar with barbershop are still visibly impressed with harmony live. Here is what has worked for us without fail. Well before any event where we need publicity, go unannounced to the newspaper offices and TV stations with a quartet that can sing reasonably well and look like a traditional barbershop quartet. Go directly to the receptionist desk and sing an abbreviated version of "Let me call you sweetheart" or something similar, then ask them who you need to see concerning public service announcements. When you find the right person, once again sing a short song, have a complete information sheet ready for him/her, make sure they know singers are not paid. If a photographer is not there by that time, don't hesitate to suggest that they could get a great picture while the quartet is singing. Second, emphasize over and over again to your quartet and/or others making direct contacts, you are not asking the news media for a favor, you are offering them one. In my opinion most members tend to undervalue the singing we do. There is certainly no place for arrogance or boastfulness, but we must be assertive. If you don't believe that four or five men appearing and singing is not worth at least $100, you will never convince anybody that you are providing an inimitable commodity. Your PR committee will welcome all comments - and solicit a short article from your PR person on something that has worked for your chapter. Send to
John Sugg