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Results for 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002
The purpose of the Bulletin Editor of the Year (BETY) contest is to promote better communication through chapter bulletins. Each judge is enjoined to provide a written critique to each editor judged.
BETY contests should be conducted in the same manner as the International Bulletin Contest (IBC), so that all entrants in the IBC meet eligibility requirements. See IBC general guidelines for conduct of the IBC. A district contest chairman may depart from the IBC rules, for example allowing bi-monthlies or entries for which insufficient issues have been published, but if so that should be announced well in advance of the contests with particulars given, and editors of those entries should be made aware that although their entries are eligible for the BETY, they are not eligible for the IBC.
Scoring in BETY contests will be done as it is in the IBC, in three categories, as follows:
Content | 800 points | |
Layout and Reproduction (L&R) | 600 points | |
Grammar and Style (G&S) | 600 points | |
2,000 points |
Each issue is allocated one-half of the points: 400 for Content, 300 for L&R, 300 for G&S. Certified judges will be provided by the PROBE Vice President for Bulletin Editors (VP-BE). Judges’ scores may be changed by district contest chairmen or international bulletin contest chairman to correct arithmetic errors only.
Electronic (formerly On-line)
Scoring in BETY contests will be done as it is in the IBC, in three categories, as follows:
Content | 800 points |
Design & Graphics (D&G) |
600 points |
Grammar and Style (G&S) |
600 points |
2,000 points |
Each issue is allocated one-half of the points: 400 for Content, 300 for L&R, 300 for D&G. Certified judges will be provided by the PROBE Vice President for Bulletin Editors (VP-BE). Judges’ scores may be changed by district contest chairmen or international bulletin contest chairman to correct arithmetic errors only.
In October of each year, each district president should see that a chairman for the coming BETY is appointed or reappointed. The VP-BE will assign judges in plenty of time, and will also identify the chairman of the next IBC, providing his name, address, and phone number. He will enclose a copy of these BETY guidelines. District contest chairmen are encouraged to provide each chapter editor in his respective district with a copy of this form. All expenses of administering BETY contests are the responsibility of the districts. This includes mailing bulletins to judges and providing judges with sufficient postage for return of the marked bulletins. When materials are to be posted between the USA and Canada, cash should be provided instead of postage.
BETY contests are judged by a single panel of judges, with one judge assigned to each category. Judges will use the same PROBE category judging forms as are used in the IBC.
District contest chairmen shall tabulate scores from the judges’ score sheets and determine the final rankings, sending copies to the VP-BE and each judge. In case of ties, the tie will be broken by the Content score. If a tie still exists, the Grammar & Style score will be used as the tie breaker.
The top winners of a BETY contest should be announced at the district spring convention, and an appropriate article should be published in the district bulletin. Scores need not be published, and the wishes of editors not wanting scores to be published should be honored.
Rev. October, 2008