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General Guidelines
PurposeThe purpose of the International Bulletin Contest is to promote better communication within our Society. All chapters are encouraged to produce a bulletin; districts are encouraged to give recognition to their chapter editors.
An IBC chairman for HARDCOPY and ELECTRONIC divisions shall be appointed by the PROBE president not later than November 15 of the year preceding the contest. The PROBE VP-BE shall appoint a panel of six certified judges, two from each category. The IBC chairman shall provide each judge with a copy of these IBC general guidelines, along with necessary category score sheets and the bulletins to be judged.
The VP-BE shall send a news release containing information about the IBC, including the chairmans name, address, and phone number, to the PROBEmoter editor in time for publication in the fall issue. He shall also address a letter with this information to all bulletin contest chairmen. A copy of this form shall accompany those letters.
Each district shall be eligible to submit two entries, one HARDCOPY and one ELECTRONIC. The bulletin issues submitted must be the the same issues that were submitted for the district BETY contest, although they must be different copies, bearing no markings from a judge in the BETY contest. Each district contest chairman shall certify that each entrant has published at least six issues of a monthly bulletin during the contest (calendar) year, or six months of bulletins published on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Each district contest chairman shall also submit a copy of his district BETY scoring summary to the IBC chairman as verification that a district contest was held and that his entrants did, in fact, qualify for the IBC.
Submission of bulletins
For monthly bulletins, six copies of each of two consecutive issues published during the year are to be submitted. One copy of each issue must be an off-the-press copy (for L&R judges), but the other two may be photocopies. For weeklies, eight consecutive issues are required, the first four together, and the second four together. For biweeklies, four consecutive issues are required, the first two together, and the second two together. Bulletins and verifying materials must reach the IBC chairmen by April 1. (District contest chairmen should not hold up the entries pending announcement of winners at district conventions--our judges can keep a secret!)
Each member of the double panel of judges shall judge one issue of the two submitted for each category. The IBC chairman shall determine which issue shall be judged by each judge. Scoring in the IBC will be done in three categories, as follows:
Each issue is allocated one-half of the points: 400 for Content, 300 for L&R (D&G for ELECTRONIC bulletins), 300 for G&S.
The PROBE IBC Judging Panel is listed here.
Reporting the scores
Judges shall return all entries, completed judging forms, a scoring summary, and critiques (optional) to the IBC chairman by June 1. All mailings between judges and the IBC Chairman shall be at PROBE expense. The chairman shall tabulate scores from the judges score sheets and shall determine the final ranking of all entries. In case of ties, the tie will be broken by the Content score. If a tie still exists, the Grammar & Style score will be used as the tie breaker.
Announcing the winners
Winners will be announced at the annual PROBE meeting at the international convention, and awards will be made to those present. Awards for those not present will be forwarded to the appropriate district representative for later presentation at a district function at which the winner can be properly recognized. The first place winner will receive a personal plaque and have his or her name added to the permanent (formerly called traveling) plaque which shall be on display in the Barbershoppers' Museum at the International Headquarters. Second and third place winners will receive a personal plaque only. Certificates of participation will be sent to the districts for presentation to all entrants. The IBC chairman will provide the scores to the PROBEmoter editor after the International convention.
Returning the bulletins
Judged bulletins, with judges critiques (optional) and score sheets, with a copy of the scores for the entire contest for each editor, shall be sent by the IBC chairman to the bulletin editors.
Winners further eligibility
An IBC winner shall not again be eligible to participate in competition at the international level for two years. This in no way constitutes prohibition of his competing at the district level.
Since editors will have been critiqued by BETY judges, further critiques by IBC judges are optional.
Rev 11/08