Free Webspace for Barbershoppers

What is HARMONIZE.COM (Harmonize-dot-com HDC)?
HARMONIZE.COM is a free web server for the barbershop community. Web Server Software
We run on a LINUX server with support for PHP, CGI, Perl, Ruby, and many more server-side scripting languages. FrontPage Extensions
The web server supports MS-FrontPage 2000 Extensions, but we recommend that you use FTP to upload your files. Web Space Requests
To make a request for web space, go to the Services Page. Web Space Restrictions
None. No reasonable request for space will be denied.
All we ask is that the contents of your web space be used for barbershop purposes only.
We don't want you to use HDC as an archive for your video/audio files. FTP Instructions
Once you have received your User ID and Password, you can connect to the server via FTP using the following information:
Host Name: | |
User ID: |
As Provided |
Password: |
As Provided - case sensitive |
Once you have connected, you will be placed in your
assigned directory and can begin uploading files. Default Web Page Filename
If a filename is not specified, the server will look for index.html.
Use this filename for your main (default) page when you create a web site to be placed on the HDC server. Help Creating Web Pages
Most of today's popular word processing software packages now have the option to export to .HTML format.
There are also many programs written specifically for creating and maintaining web pages.
Any software capable of creating this file type should work appropriately with HDC.
We support FTP and FrontPage/Publisher Server-Extensions for publishing your web pages.
If you experience a problem connecting to a site, please send an e-mail to:
HDC master @ harmonize . com (without the spaces).