Free Webspace for Barbershoppers
What is "": is a FREE webspace provider for Barbershop groups. If your group sings barbershop anywhere in the world,
and you would like to post a website on the Internet for free, we're here for you!
To request your free webspace, simply send us an email (see the email address below) with the name of your group,
your name and email address. You'll also have to choose a 'suffix' to designate your website.
We do not offer "domain names". The best we can do, for example, is ""
(where 'YourGroup' is the sample suffix). Include that suffix in your initial request,
and we'll usually get your website setup the same business day (we enjoy our weekends off!).
Service Requests:
Due to the volume of email messages we receive each day, it is difficult to
remember who is who! Anytime you send us a message, please include the domain/suffix of the group you represent. Thank you!
Service Requests: Want to know more about HARMONIZE.COM?
Please click on the Services page and the
FAQ page!
Did You Know?The NEW HARMONIZE.COM now supports over 200 Barbershop web sites. FileZilla FTP ClientMost of our webmasters use FileZilla's FTP client. Unfortunately, Version 3.10 doesn't work with our servers. Version 3.9.x still works and is available for download.
If you experience a problem connecting to a site, please send an e-mail to:
HDC master @ harmonize . com (without the spaces).