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Your 2008-2009 Regional Management Team

Team Coordinator
Kim Elger-Griffin
(Women of Note)

Duties: Maintains the Regional Calendar, facilitates the agenda and meetings, monitors long range planning and reviews the rules and by-laws


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Membership Coordinator
Do Lahr
(Toast of Tampa)




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Marketing Coordinator 
Cathy Moore
(Suncoast Harmony)

Duties: The responsibilities of the Marketing Coordinator include public relations, membership growth and retention marketing training, revitalization of chapters, and developing prospective chapters and is the Chapter at Large Liaison.

Barbara Rolison

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Events Coordinator
Barbara Rolison

Duties: Responsible for coordinating the physical aspects and negotiating for all regional events including seminars, conventions, installation, and the Show of Champions


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Finance Coordinator
Susan Musselman
(Spirit of the Gulf)

Duties: Signs and authorizes contract signatures, review the budget, and is responsible for fund raising, bookkeeping, grant applications, training of treasurers, and chorus financial resources


Dayve Gabbard 

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Education Coordinator
Dayve Gabbard
(Women of Note)

Duties: In charge of leadership development, faculty, quartet and arranger training, educational programs, Chapter at Large Quartet approval, the Director Certification Program (DCP) and Young Women in Harmony



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Director's Coordinator
Meg Mahoney

Duties: Facilitates the director's forum, communicates with directors regarding all aspects of their chapter needs and interests, and relays their suggestions, thoughts and concerns to the Management Team.


Linda Fairleigh

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Communications & Technology Coordinator
Linda Fairleigh
(Spirit of the Gulf)

Duties: As the link between Sweet Adelines International and Region #9, the Communications & Technical Coordinator's responsibilities include overseeing the recording secretary, and nominating team duties, the newsletter, central printing, regional directories, and maintaining a leadership database.




Management Convention Education Faculty Committee Chairs


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