Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America

# Sharp Notes #

Publication of the Regina Golden Harvest Chorus

Golden Harvest Chorus meets most Monday Evenings, 7:30-10:00 at
Knox Metropolitan United Church, corner of Victoria and Lorne, Regina, Saskatchewan
Guests always welcome!

January 2002


New Year!!!

A Great Chorus

Happy New Year to you and your families!

Thanks gentlemen for a great fall. It's been a blast. I want to begin by reiterating what I said early in the fall.

  1. Thanks for sending me to Director's College. I learned a lot and most of all got fired up to start the season. Next summer (July 28 to August 3) I want several of you to go to Harmony College with me.
  2. At Director's College I discovered that there aren't many choruses in the organization that are much larger than we are. Talking to other directors made me realize that 80-90% of choruses are around 15-25 members. We're not small; we're average.
  3. We have a great balance. The ideal for a chorus our size is 1 or 2 tenors, 3 or 4 baritones, 5 or 6 leads, and 7 or 8 bases. The formula is 1,2,3,4 or 2,4,6,8, which puts us right on track.
  4. We are improving and have been for some time. Ken drilled into us some of the right techniques for singing well and we have gotten a little coaching. We just need to keep applying what we have learned.
  5. We have a chorus that is full of talent. We have people with expertise and experience in many different areas. Let's continue to discover and develop all this wonderful talent.
  6. We have a great bunch of guys that get along well together. I think our chorus has good morale and high hopes for the future.
  7. We have been getting a lot of good comments on our singing from our coach and from others. We're singing "musically" (i.e. not forcing it). Attacks and releases are good. We're singing in tune (i.e. not losing pitch). We're singing with dynamics. We look like we're having fun.

So let's keep it up guys. We have to get down to business immediately in the new year if we want to put on a good show in April. We have a couple of new songs to learn, so let's hit the ground running in January.

You're a great chorus!


BarberPole Cat

"Polecats" are the dozen songs that are the most widely known amongst barbershoppers today.

The term "polecat" is a shortened form of the name of the SPEBSQSA publication The Barberpole Cat Program and Song Book. The Society updates the selection of songs and sometimes changes a few notes of the tag every few decades, so that sometimes you may find yourself singing the 1986 version with someone who only knows the 1973 or 1959 version... but by and large these are standardized, and wherever you run into barbershoppers or "former" barbershoppers, you will be able to blow a B-flat and ring a few chords because of these perennial favourites.

The Barberpole Cat Program and Song Book explains the Barberpole Cat Program as follows:

In 1971, International President Ralph Ribble launched a new activity known as the Barberpole Cat Program. Its purpose is to encourage as many Barbershoppers as possible to become involved in quartet singing. The goal is not necessarily the formation of registered quartets, although that would be a great result, if it were to happen. Rather, the program introduces men to the joy of singing with three other guys.

Since then, the Barberpole Cat Program has been consistently successful. The current songs in the Polecat book are:


Chapter Logo Contest

We have been hosting a chapter logo contest within the local high schools over the past several months. During that time we received three submissions that were reviewed by our scholarly review committee (Bill Quick) and a winning design has been selected. The winning student is Kathy Bily from Thom Collegiate. The Official presentation of the award and cheque is planned for February 20th – during their Arts night for students and parents. Watch for the official unveiling of our new logo.

Barbershopper of the Year

Presentation of B.O.T.Y. Award to Dave Pearce

The Barbershopper of the Year Award is here-by presented to Dave Pearce for the year 2001 by the Golden Harvest Chorus for his diligent work on behalf of the Chapter. Endeavours which are of special note are his efforts in the area of chapter development such as:

  1. attempts to set directives and goals for the chapter
  2. his initiative in instituting Harmony Week and its related activities at City Hall
  3. his ongoing work with the local high schools such as the Logo contest
  4. publicity endeavours with radio and TV
  5. arranging publicity appearances, etc., at city malls
  6. work with Regina and Saskatchewan Tourism
  7. development of brochures and handouts
  8. his willingness to always be the first to say "I’ll help" – even at the risk of limb!
  9. his ability and willingness at MC-ing (his and Jane’s) when called upon to do so
  10. and most of all for being a Great Guy.

Presented to Dave Pearce this 17th of December 2001 by Stuart Reiley, B.O.T.Y. for 2000.

Singing Valentines

Flyers are printed, quartets are warming up and we’re getting into full swing for our Singing Valentine program.

If you aren’t in a quartet – why not? Just find three other guys and start rehearsing. Can’t find all the voice parts to form a quartet? Then why not try on a different part for size. With only a couple simple songs to learn you’ll be surprised how fast and easy it is to learn to sing another voice part well.

And don’t forget to spread the word about our program. Despite all our best efforts at advertising, we remain one of Regina’s best kept secrets.

So go ahead, ring some chords, and help us to spread some love, joy and harmony this Valentine’s Day.

A Letter to the Chorus

Nov 22, 2001

Golden Harvest Chorus,

Ron audio-taped your performance last night and I have to tell you that I was really impressed with your progress since I visited you in September.

Your singing was more musical, in tune and together. Your attacks and releases were clean and tempo good. Your work on vocal production and building stamina by standing on the risers is paying off.

I don’t know what I can say to convince you to believe in yourselves. I have occasionally heard your own opinions of your performance expressed by individuals. It really is true that you have to believe something to see it. Dave can tell you, from his experience in the sports arena that probably 80% of your success is mental. You are doing things to improve the technical. I encourage you to focus on your successes and strengths and forget the odd chords or words or moves that don’t quite work. Start telling yourselves that you are good singers (you are), celebrate the good things about your performances and move on if something is not perfect. Mistakes, after all, are what teach us how to improve.

Most of my singers are average. The whole is just greater than the sum of the parts and focusing on the positive and believing in ourselves is what sets us apart. We all have just the basics of good barbershop singing – vowel matching, breathing exercises, proper posture etc. The basics are the most important technical part of singing.

I honestly believe you can do great things, but only if you believe it.

Chris Evans

Parade of Quartets

A Proposal for our Annual Show

This could be used in the show, at an afterglow, or both. Have a continuous parade of quartets, each singing a tag in sequence. Each quartet could sing 2 or 3 tags in the rotation, but not at the same time.

It would give the audience a taste of barbershop from a different perspective. It would be a new experience for them.

In addition, it could give almost everyone in the chorus an opportunity to sing really well in a quartet in a public performance.

There could be different configurations of quartet members so that they could sing with different people. Some members of the chorus might even like to sing a different part than they normally sing in the chorus.

At an afterglow, former members and guests might like to get into the action.

We all know what a thrill it is for us to really ring a tag. Why not share it with our audience.

Ron Evans

Sing… For Life

Dear Fellow Singers

We will be sending out copies of the following letter to many of our fellow singers in the area. If you have names of additional singers we should be contacting, please forward these on to Wayne Keys and he’ll ensure they get included in the mail-out.


Dear Fellow Singer,

For over forty years, members of the Regina Chapter of SPEBSQSA have been enjoying the singing of a capella four-part male harmony.

In doing so, we have also provided entertainment for many others through our annual show, singing valentines, singouts for hospitals, nursing homes, and service clubs, as well as participating in events such as the Buffalo Days parade and Rotary Carol Festival. We are now also looking forward to playing a role in the 2003 centennial commemoration of Regina’s incorporation as a city.

Moreover, by engaging in such activities we, along with about 35,000 other members of our society, are leading the cause of encouraging vocal music education in our schools and communities.

In addition, as a "service club that sings", we financially support the Regina Early Learning Centre, an organization that works with pre-schoolers at risk.

Finally, on behalf of the chapter, I’d like to invite you to be our guest at any of our regular Monday night practices.

Let’s ring some chords together.

Yours Sincerely,

Wayne Keys,
Chapter Development VP

What is a Tag?

A Tag is the ending of a barbershop song, usually the last four to eight bars, and often considered the best chords in the song. Barbershoppers worldwide memorize these tags, then teach them to each other to sing at barbershop events – usually in the hallway on the eighth floor of some hotel, often until the sun comes up.

Executive Meeting

We had our first meeting of 2002 at the home of Stuart and Jeanne Reiley with six members in attendance – Dave, Wayne, Stuart, Peter, Ron and Bruce.

Annual Show

April 20th is fast approaching – and there are 13 regular practice nights between now and showtime. We have new music to learn, old music to dust off and polish up, scripts to rehearse… and we need your full participation and support.

There will be lots of fun activities between now and April, but a lot of ‘work’ to be done as well.

So… lets work hard, sing lots, have fun – and have another great show in April.

Teach the Children to Sing!

Chapter Christmas Party

The Chapter held our annual Christmas party on Monday December 17th. As we have often done, our evening started with caroling at the Wascana Rehab Centre. After entertaining the residents and staff, we returned to Lynn and Carol’s condo party room to relax and enjoy the music and company of friends.

We were well-fed and then well-entertained by several top-notch quartets and an excellent chorus.

Our 2000 B.O.T.Y. winner, Stuart Reiley, made an excellent presentation as we honoured our new B.O.T.Y. for 2001 – Dave Pearce.

Thanks to our chorus manager Stuart for arranging the singout, and to Lynn for the party arrangements and the use of his party facility, and to everyone for attending and making this a success.

Coming Events









20 Executive Meeting 21 Chapter meeting 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 Chapter meeting 29 30 31    








          1 2
3 Heart & Stroke Singout 4 Chapter meeting 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 Chapter meeting 12 13 14 Singing Valentines 15 Heritage / Flag Day 16
17 Executive Meeting 18 Chapter meeting 19 20 21 Music Team 22 23
24 25 Chapter meeting 26 27 28    








          1 2
3 4 Chapter meeting 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 Chapter meeting 12 13 14 15 16
17 St. Patricks Day 18 Chapter meeting 19 20 21 22 23
24 Executive Meeting 25 Chapter meeting 26 27 28 29 Good Friday 30
31 Easter            








  1 Chapter meeting? 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 Chapter meeting 9 10 11 Music Team 12 13
14 15 Chapter meeting 16 17 18 19 Quartet Reception 20 Show – Darke Hall
21 Brunch 22 Chapter meeting 23 24 25 26 27
28 Executive Meeting 29 Chapter meeting 30        

Annual Show – Saturday April 20th, 2002 at Darke Hall

Division Contest – Saturday May 18th, Grand Forks, ND

Clear Lake Mini-HEP – May 31st , June 1st, 2nd, Clear Lake, MB

Articles in this bulletin do not necessarily reflect the views of the chapter. Unless carrying a byline, they are those of the editor. Items received may be referred to the executive before publication.
All chapter officers and members are encouraged to submit articles to the Sharp Notes.
Please address any comments, suggestions or submissions to the editor – Bruce Fish, 761-2503 / Current and back issues of the Sharp Notes can be found on the Golden Harvest Chapter website at

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