Why join PROBE?By Dick Girvin, SECRETARY-TREASURER(Ed. note: This article is a response to an e-mail as to why someone should join PROBE when much material is available on the PROBE Website.) Your question is a good one and I am copying the PROBE management with my answer. Your board asks why they should pay for your subscription when all the materials are available at no cost on the Website. My response, and it is strictly personal, is that as an editor in our Society, I want to be known as a member of PROBE, the Most Influential Fraternity of the Society. I have been a member since 1980 and my rewards and those of my several chapters have far outweighed the annual cost of membership. Look at it this way: if you are a contributing journalist to your local newpaper, you read it with much more identity and interest than a mere patron that acquires the paper from the newsstand. I like to be a party to projects/programs that I support. I still buy a newspaper, even though I can get the NYTimes et al. online at no cost. Certainly the materials and membership in PROBEMail are available to all and $10 is $10 (double from several years ago). However, I have always felt that "you get what you pay for...." and I am glad to feel a part of PROBE. The dues do more than print and mail PROBEmoter; however, that is a substantial cost. The dues cover the costs of running (and plaques) provided for the IBC and PROTY. There was a hospitality room at Portland where editors could gather and enjoy. While, most of this cost was subsidized by incoming president Bruce, there were other costs that were covered by our funds. The dues buy postage, etc. Our costs are presented to the Society annually and published in the annual report. If your board doesn't accept these values as germane to the job we try to do in communications, so be it. We understand. If they do, I would hope to see you renew for another year.