PR tips on promoting chapter showsBy Randy Duncan, VP MARKETING AND PR, CENTRAL STATES DISTRICT, SERENADE, JOHN PETTERSON, EDITORMany of our Central States District chapters’ spring shows are coming up over the next several weeks so I thought that I would take this time to remind you about some of the public relations efforts you can make on behalf of your chapters not only to promote your shows but possibly help invigorate your membership recruitment efforts. Most radio stations are happy to help organizations that are not-for-profit 501C3s so go by with your show poster and ask your radio stations to get involved in promoting your show. Many times you can receive many public service announcements (i.e. 30- or 60-second radio spots) advertising your upcoming show. What you do in return is give the station free tickets for their staff members plus a few extra tickets for giveaways over the air. This is a great trade-out not only helping your chapter but also its a great deal for the radio stations. Also, ask about any talk shows your station may have and see when you can be a guest on that particular radio program. Remember take a tape and/or CD of your guest quartet and have the station play some clips of your quartet over the air. Hearing that perfect four-part a capella harmony over the radio airwaves will truly get the listening audience interested in attending your show. Don’t forget your local newspapers, too. Many newspapers may have a section devoted to Arts and Entertainment where they can do a feature article on your guest quartet and show. Remember, nobody will be doing an article on your show unless you go by and ask them to do one. Most editors will be very accommodating. All you have to do is ASK! I think you will find that using your radio and newspaper outlets will help in securing a large crowd for your show. If you have a local TV station, too, don’t forget to check this avenue out, also. Don’t forget a door prize drawing during your show’s intermission. Usually your guest quartet will be happy to supply two or three CDs and/or tapes for you to give away during the show. Include a door prize drawing slip in your program with a question: Are you a man who likes to sing? If so, come join our chorus some weekday evening and enjoy singing in the barbershop style.