PROBE 2000 goals
By Grady Kerr, president
I'm excited about the New Year and the new officers of PROBE. I've not
seen a more dedicated group of professionals anywhere. The future looks
bright for editors and PR men of our Society.
It's a good thing because we have a great deal of work to do. It will take
the fine men on the Board as well as help from many members to accomplish
our goals for the future.
PROBE 2000 Goals
- Promote and increase PROBE membership for all Society members.
- Increase awareness and importance of the PR part of PROBE.
- Establish and support the Editors' Class at COTS for ALL Districts.
- Attract and certify more bulletin judges.
- Continue to publish a top quality quarterly publication (PROBEmoter) for
editors and PR men.
- Recognize those who have been of service to PROBE - promote the Hall Of Honor.
- Continue to administer the IBC.
- Continue to support and guide the DCC/Districts' Bulletin Editor Contests.
- Promote and establish additional levels of recognition in district and
Int'l. Bulletin Contests (Most Improved/Novice, etc).
- Establish and instigate a re-certification procedure for judges.
Expand and build the PROBE web site.
- Include Web page building as part of PROBE/Editor Training - find mentors.
- Support Editor Bruce Anderson and his newsletter for the Judges, DCC, DBE
and PROBE officers.
- Create a "New Bulletin Editor Packet" sent free to all NEW BEs.
- Establish a "New Chapter - Extension" Editor Help Network.
- Promote the BE and PR Forum at Kansas City 2000 Int'l.
- Promote the General PROBE Meeting at Kansas City 2000 Int'l.
I feel that each of these goals will be a challenge but worth the effort.
I invite you to take part in this and contact me if you see a way YOU can
help or if you have any additional ideas that should be on this list.
My sincere thanks in advance to Arnie Wade, John Petterson, Brian Lynch,
Robb Ollett, Reed Sampson, Waldo Redekop, Grant Carson, Bruce Anderson,
Dick Girvin, Herb Collier, John Sugg, Craig Rigg and Don Heist. These men
will be making a big difference in PROBE in 2000. Please support these
men; they deserve it.
So let's get busy.