It's fall and my job is
almost done for the year!
Wanna bet?
By Robb Ollett, Marketing/PR chair
The leaves are falling, temperatures cooling, chapter shows and contest
are past, third quarter stats are history - and that means we can slide for
the next 90 days, right?
I don't think so! Try this reminder list:
- Announcing chapter officer elections
- Contest thank yous to spouses and families (via chapter bulletin)
- Mail thank you notes or holiday greeting cards for annual show sponsors
- Maybe spark a membership drive, or inviting previous guests back
- Time to learn a new song
- Break out those holiday songs - maybe start a Christmas chorus?
- Start negotiations with schools for next year's Spring theater performance
- Did you know December is the largest percentage of member renewals?
- When was the last time you visited a nearby chapter, just to be neighborly?
- Allocate monies for that music scholarship or donation to charity for community goodwill
- Contact newspapers for presenting that donation - a dressed up quartet with a big check!
- Write a thank you letter to media outlets for their support in 1999, it'll pay next year
- Contact local shopping malls for strolling quartets during holiday season
- Order supply of chapter business cards for those strolling quartets!
- Add biographies for new members this past year in the chapter bulletin
- Plan next year's activities with new officers - and everybody go to COTS!
That last item is sincere - COTS provides the opportunity to hear and share
chapter experiences. It's important to attend.
And installation banquets are coming. It's always been my hope that
everyone attending receives a certificate - not just Barbershopper of the
Year. Why? Because each chapter member provided their valuable time away
from families to enjoy this hobby - and they deserve your thanks! So why
not be creative with certificates - try Best Music Learner, Best Quartet
Representatives, Super Section Leader, Farthest Traveler to Meeting, Second
Best Coffee Maker - have some fun with it. And remember - December is the
largest group of member renewals!
On a personal note - I've enjoyed visiting you through PROBEMOTER. I've
been asked to repeat as Society Chair for PR/Marketing, and asked your
officers to assist me with some projects and programs. I look forward to
another successful year.
And thank you for helping me. Let's B#.