Hall of Honor recipientsBy Lowell ShankSelection Committee chairman Buddy MyersBuddy has been a PROBE bulletin judge in the content category since 1993. He was PROBE Vice President for Bulletin Editors and District Contest Coordinator for the Southwestern District.He has been a bulletin editor in several capacities. He edited the Southwestern District Roundup for six years, the El Paso chapter bulletin for 15 years and the PROBEmoter for a year. With all that experience he was an automatic choice for teaching COTS bulletin editor classes which he did for five years. In 1990 Buddy won the International Bulletin Contest. He has also been responsible for making many of the award certificates that PROBE passes out each year.
Congratulations, Buddy.
Dick TeetersDick has been a PROBE member for 23 years and edited the Greater St. Paul Area Chapter bulletin Overtones for 13 years. He won the International Bulletin Contest twice, in 1982 and 1987, and is one of only two editors to have done so.On the district level, he has served as Land O' Lakes District Communications Officer for nine years, District Contest Coordinator for 10 years, and edited the District bulletin, Pitch Pipe, for nine years. Dick has instructed COTS BE classes in LOL over 15 times as well as being instructor in other districts, Central States and Dixie. He has served PROBE as Layout and Reproduction bulletin judge for 14 years, Category Specialist for two years, Vice President for Bulletin Editors for one year and PROBE President in 1988-89. He also established the PROBE Hall of Honor.
Congratulations, Dick.
Craig RiggCraig joined the Society in 1979 and after a couple of years of editing the Macomb Chapter bulletin took on the Illinois District publication Attacks and Releases which he edited for 15 years from 1982-1997.He has been a Grammar and Style judge since 1984 and the Category Specialist for the past 11 years. It is not surprising to learn that he has taught English and composition at universities, community colleges and high schools. Craig edited the "PROBE Style Manual" and will soon put an updated version on the PROBE Web page.
Congratulations, Craig.