RESPECT IS LONG OVERDUEIt didn't take long, about two nanoseconds, for Barbershoppers to shorten the term to pole cat or polecat. Both versions may be seen on a regular basis in many chapter bulletins. Referring to the program as pole cat or polecat is wrong, wrong, wrong! Bulletin editors, it's time to change your ways. The proper term is Barberpole Cat. If that's too long for you or your members, then let's show some respect for Ralph Ribble (also, Floyd Connett and Mac Huff, who formulated it with Ralph) and abbreviate it this way: 'Pole Cat. (Ralph probably doesn't care how you do it; the important thing is that the guys are learning and using the songs.) Twenty-eight years is a long time for a successful program. Barbershoppers love to sing the songs. I have yet to attend a convention or COTS and not hear 'Pole Cats being sung everywhere. In honor of a great idea and resulting success, let's treat it with respect. If you start, maybe it will spread.