Bulletin exchange infoBy Lloyd Davis, CoordinatorMost Society chapter editors are unaware, or indifferent to, the bulletin exchange program. Of the Society's hundreds of editors, only 40 are enrolled. There are many advantages: Exchange editors are continually made aware of what's happening throughout the Society. They are free to reprint ("steal") information from other bulletins (with proper credit, of course). Craft items and other interesting things are yours, Mr. Editor, free of charge. For an editor to join, he agrees to exchange with all of the others. If you are an editor, send me a business-size stamped envelope, and you are in business. (I don't do it by e-mail.) If you're not an editor, do everyone a favor by getting this information to your chapter's editor. Use this address to let me know:
Lloyd Davis, BULLEX [Lloyd has been a grammar and style judge for bulletin contests since 1984. In 1985 he began compiling a list of the most-frequent errors made by editors. You may have a copy of this list by sending Lloyd a stamped, large (#10) envelope.]