Aaaah, it's spring - time to plan ahead!

By Robb Ollett, Chair Society PR/Mkt. Committee

I know many chapters are in the midst of annual show preparations. No doubt this is the highest awareness time for your patrons and advertisers.

As the official PR guy, I'm confident you're doing all the little things to maintain those friendships - sending special thank you notes to sponsors; advertising in the newspaper thanking your patrons and a schedule for future performances; a nice letter to the guest quartets (especially if they're in your chapter!); and a chapter bulletin mention of not only member accomplishments, but also thanks to the spouses and friends for understanding the importance of an annual show. Like I said, you've already thought of this, right?

This is also the time of year when the new officers are in their first trimester to make their new ideas give birth. So we'll all need that special pat-on-the-back, or kick-in-the- backside.

So let me share my famed checklist for keeping the activities alive in the spring:

  • Working with local high schools for their May performances. Contacting area baseball and basketball teams to sing the National Anthem.
  • Contacting county fairs and offering roaming quartets.
  • How about that contribution to the local school scholarship or charity?
  • Does your convention bureau need a quartet for an event?
  • Time to teach a new song to the chapter, right?
  • Mention the summer activities in the chapter bulletin so members see what they're missing.
  • Plan to attend your district's summer music school, they're always fun!
  • Talk to your PBS station to staff the phones for their membership drive.
  • Think about ways to appreciate your members and reward them.
  • Call and invite those guests who came this first quarter, and didn't return.

To me, it's always easy to say thanks. Our members do so much - and our supporters like to hear it! Lets B#.


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