Barbershop clipart
From the New PROBE "Classic Barbershop Graphics" CD
We present just a sampling of the literally hundreds of barbershop clipart cartoons available. Currently featured - Good Old Summertime. |
The following are JPEG images created by reducing the "suitable for printing" TIFF images available for download. The downloadable images will be better quality, and these are meant only to be an indication of content. Simply click on the images to download. If the image displays in your browser rather than downloading, just click on "File -> Save As."
Click on the image to download the TIFF file.
Click on the image to download the TIFF file.
Click on the image to download the TIFF file.
Click on the image to download the TIFF file.
Click on the image to download the TIFF file.
Or click here to download a zip file containing the previous five images.
Click to image to download the PNG file.
Click to download .PCT file (Macintosh)
Click on the image to download the TIFF file.
Click on the image to download the TIFF file.
Click on the image to download the TIFF file.
Click on the image to download the TIFF file.
Click on the image to download the TIFF file.
Or click here to download a zip file containing the previous five images
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