author: Mark Axelrod, editor of "Blue Chip Chatter," Teaneck, NJ.


1- Name a type of early 19th century, sacred, vocal American music which contributed to the barbershop style of harmonization.

2 - Where in the United States was this type of music most popular in the 19th century?

3 - This music enjoyed a revival in the 20th century. Where was this revival centered?

4- Name the greatest similarities between this style of vocal music and barbershop.

5- Name the greatest differences between the two styles.


1- Sacred Harp Singing

2 - In New England

3 - In the deep south

4 - It was strictly a cappella, and arranged in four parts (actually eight parts, see the answer immediately below).

5 - Each of the four parts were sung by both men and women. Obviously, there was lots of doubling, and, at minimum, this style required eight singers, but a church choir was and is much more typical of Sacred Harp Singing than an octet. (Note: Sacred Harp Singing has been handed down from one generation to the next, much the same as barbershop, and is still sung and enjoyed to this day).

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