WHO WAS FRANK THORNE?. . . Frank Thorne, International President in 1946 and 1947. He was medium tall, slender, balding, very distinguished, with a mustache; he presented a commanding appearance but at the same time seemed to have a twinkle in his eye. He was an excellent business man, being vice president of one corporation and president of several others as well as a member of the board in additional companies. Frank was a good instrumental musician and a fine singer; he sang bass with the 1942 International Champion Elastic Four. Frank's trademark in the Society was his writing longhand notes in the margins of letters sent to him to mail back as replies. One of his most famous replies was one he addressed to then International Secretary Carroll Adams; at one point on a margin of a letter several pages long, Frank wrote: "Nuts!" Frank Thorne was one of the most aptly named men; Frank was really "frank!" He had a way of making comments and offering constructive criticism which was startling in its bluntness and brevity, but you remembered what he had to say and you knew he said it for the good of the Society or your own personal good. He was outspoken but never mean or vindictive. He had a sense of humor too. He was asked by the Executive Committee several years prior to his death to talk to a recalcitrant District President, one who called a lot of us Communists and was really stirring things up. Frank was asked to tone him down. When reporting on his success he opened the coversation by saying, "I talked to God last night." He was an excellent correspondent and took great pains to say the right thing and to be as helpful as possible in letters to arrangers and quartet men.
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