Brian Philbin - Bass:
A Pioneer District
Champion (1985), Brian began regularly singing a capella as a baritone in "THE IVY
LEAGUE" at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio in 1983. Brian
has been involved in competitive singing a cappella groups since high school. While
studying choral technique during high school, he represented the Ypsilanti High School
Concert Choir as a baritone in the Michigan State Honors Choir (SATB) and performed at the
1980 Republican National Convention. Brian holds a Baccalaureate of Science in
Communications and Theatre
Arts from Eastern Michigan University where he was also a member of
the EMU Madrigal Ensemble. He has performed professionally in various media as an actor,
singer, dancer, stand-up comic, mime (mime?!?), etc. and has literally grown up in the
theatre and performing arts arena.
Also see: Bob or James or
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