The Denver MountainAires is a local chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
(local being Denver, Colorado, USA)
We are 45 or so men who sing
"barbershop quartet" music,
both in a chorus and in quartets, for the fun of it. Amateur singers.
The chorus is called, of all things, The Denver MountainAires Barbershop Chorus.
(Maybe we'll get around to using a snazzy chorus name like others do. Maybe not.)
What we do
We meet most Tuesday evenings for "chapter meeting"/"chorus rehearsal"
(see *Rehearsals* below), during which we:
start with warm-ups, physical as well as vocal stretching. Maybe some "craft",
technical instruction on singing or reading music.
learn / practice / rehearse / polish old and new songs.
"quartet", by getting with three others during the 15 minute coffee/punch break, deciding on
a song everyone knows or can read or can make up a part for, and then presenting it to the
others at the end of the meeting. Participation is not required, but is lots of fun.
enjoy each other's company (socialize, fellowship, camaraderie, )
We present three or four shows a year, featuring the chorus, chapter quartets, and maybe a guest performer or group.
Possible Themes:
• Spring: Valentine or Irish
• around July 4th: Patriotic, of course.
• December: Holiday, Christmas, winter.
• Any time: Girls,
Possible guests (based on past shows):
• local non-MountainAires quartets
• Sweet Adelines quartets
• joint show with Sweet Adeline chorus (High Country)
• a high school chorus/ensemble
• a bluegrass or Dixieland band,
• kid tap dancers
• community brass band ...
We hold two or three consecutive Tuesday "Guest Nights", during which men new to barbershop get instruction to
barbershop music, learn 3 songs, and, if they want to, get their feet wet by singing those songs
with the chorus at the next show.
(Actually, guests are welcome anytime!)
We sing out ...
... at retirement &/or nursing home functions.
... as a substitute choir at various churches, and at the VA hospital chapel.
... for the Westminster (Colorado) Elk's annual memorial service in early December.
... at various festivals.
... & cetera ...
We support the barbershop Young Men In Harmony program,
along with the Mile High chapter and local Sweet Adelines, by
making presentations to local high schools, with film and demonstration quartets.
supporting local high school music teachers with music, instruction, ...
hosting Summer Harmony Camp, with instructors.
holding a youth quartet competition. (boys, girls, and mixed quartets).
holding Denver Barberfest, a full day of learning, craft, evening concert.
We attend Society/district events, either as individuals or as a chorus.
Two A district convention(s). May be in Denver area, Cheyenne, Albuquerque, or Salt Lake City area.
Chautauqua, a music festival in nearby Boulder, Colo., one Saturday Sunday devoted to barbershop.
Rocky Mountain Harmony College, a weekend at YMCA camp in Estes Park,
fantastic coaching and instruction for individuals and quartets.
An International convention. In a U.S. or Canadian city. Competion of the top quartets
and choruses from each district and from overseas.
A mid-winter convention. At a southern-ish city.
Harmony University, a week of intensive study of all things barbershop (music),
at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. Can earn valid college credits.
We deliver Singing Valentines: a silk rose, a small box of chocolates, a card, and two
barbershop love songs delivered to your sweetie by a genuine barbershop quartet.
We gather at a local bar, some of us, Tuesday evenings after the meeting,
for more informal singing, et cetera.
Rehearsals take place on Tuesday evenings, 7:30pm - 10:00pm, at
Edgewater Community Church, 2497 Fenton St., Edgewater, Colorado.
(western suburbs of Denver, Colorado, USA)
[ Map ]
Visitors welcome any time. Sit and listen. Sing. Enjoy.
For more information, contact Doug Kulesa, Membership VP:
membership @ mountainaires . org