* * * * * * * * * * C H A U T A U Q U A * * * * * * * * * * RMD FESTIVAL ... BOULDER ... The Chautauqua Festival in Boulder July 30th, 2011 Saturday afternoon 2:00 pm Sign up for Pick-up Quartet Contest 3:00 pm Pick-up Quartet Contest. 4:00 pm Massed Chorus Rehearsal (Priscilla Shaw directing) 4:45 pm Bratwurst & Potato salad Picnic 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm Chorus orientation/practice on stage (MtnAires: 5:00) 6:30 pm Doors open 7:00 pm Evening Show Quartets and Choruses Intermission Quartets, Choruses Front Range Massed Chorus Afterglow immediately following. Massed Chorus songs: PoleCat Medley (Wild Irish Rose, Down Our Way, Wait Til' the Sun Shines, Nellie) You Tell Me Your Dream (The C.Hine arrangement, NOT the Polecat version.) God Bless America = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = MountainAires chorus will sing: MountainAires Opener (Hello friends, and how do you do? ) I Want A Girl When I'm Sixty Four Edelweiss = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Notes: The weather tends to be hot and muggy, with impending rain, even in the park above Boulder, so the uniform of the day leans towards shorts and sandals. The BBQ features brats and kraut, yummy. Potato salad, beer, soda pop, coffee. A cookie. I don't remember the price from last year, but it's all reasonable. Pickup quartet sign-up will either be in the big auditorium or in the little picnic pavilion next to the auditorium. Look for a congestion of barbershopper types, and tell the guy with a pencil your name, part(s) you sing, and chorus you're from. Ladies are welcome (and sometimes necessary to fill missing parts). The winner of the pickup quartet contest gets to sing on the evening show. They usually sing their entire repertoire, which is the one song they competed with. A general rule is there should not be more than two members of a pickup quartet from the same chapter. It pays to learn the polecat songs, multiple parts, and to be aware of the songs sung by neighboring choruses. (Don't know if extra "points" are given if the members are from four different choruses, but they should. The whole thing is kinda loose, in the spirit of true barbershop.) You will have from 2:00 to 3:00 to -- find the other members of your quartet. They will have a card with the same value as yours (Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine,... Deuce). -- find a shady place to practice. -- decide which songs you may know in common. Switching parts may make things work. -- find if someone has a pitchpipe and knows what key is needed. -- sing a few songs to recall all the words. -- agree on which arrangement, and which version of the arrangement, to sing. Or make up something to fit (That's called woodshedding. Go for it). -- sing it umpteen times, polish. Once more for perfect. -- decide on a quartet name. "The Four (Kings, Jacks, Sixes...)" has been done. Overdone. Ditto variations on "Three Brats and a Kraut". Come with a list of ideas to throw into the pot. -- sing at a couple of other songs, just because it's so much fun. -- remind yourselves, just before you step onto the stage, which song it was you actually decided to sing, and what are the first words? Each chorus gets a percent of the gate, based on the number of members in the massed chorus. The count is taken at the START of the 4 O'CLOCK REHEARSAL, not at the evening show! For the massed chorus, stand in sections. From the audience viewpoint, left to right: tenors, leads, basses, baris. On the show, go ahead and wear your brightest chorus polo shirt, it all looks so elegant with the shorts, bare knees and flip-flops. [ Over the years the show has become more formal, with the norm tending towards chorus casual costume (even if your chorus isn't singing as such), or a quartet uniform (even if your registered quartet isn't singing as such). ] For a map, if you didn't come from a page which had a clickable link, cut and paste the following into the search bar at the top of your browser: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=900+Baseline+Road+Boulder,+CO