Ruthenberg has conducted the Concord Coachmen since 1994. He received
his Bachelor's Degree in Music Education from Boston University in
1993. In 1993, he moved to New Hampshire, where Eric served
as the choral director at Newport Middle High School until 2006. Eric
has served as chairman of the Barbershop Harmony Society's Young Men
in Harmony committee, and has coordinated the New Hampshire High School
Barbershop Festival. Ruthenberg was honored by the chorus as
"Barbershopper of the Year" in 1996, and was awarded the "Volunteer of
the Year" in 1999 by Harmony Foundation. He has been a member of the
faculty at
Harmony College Northeast, and at the Great Northern Harmony Workshop
in Montreal. In 2005, he was guest conductor at an international choral festival in
Indonesia. Eric is a two time district quartet champion, singing baritone with Overdrive (2000) and tenor with Average Joes (2011). He is currently the Northeastern District Vice President of Chorus Director Development. He
lives in Merrimack with his adoring wife, Becca, and their children, Caroline and Michael.